Happy bubbling!
Soap Bubble formula Glycerin in soap bubble mixtures Most good soap bubble recipes mention glycerin. The Glycerin (or glycerol) improves the soap bubble mixture in two ways: It increases the lifetime of the bubbles, and it makes the bubbles more supple. Glycerin increases the lifetime of the bubbles Water is continuously evaporating from a soap bubble. As a result of this process the soap film becomes thinner and thinner until it breaks. The glycerin in the bubble mixture will stay right at the soap film surface, and will therefore reduce the number of water molecules at the surface. As a result the evaporation will be slower in a soap film with glycerin, because it is always water from the surface that disappears from the soap film during the evaporation process. The glycerin molecules attract water molecules and form weak chemical bonds, the so-called hydrogen bonds. These bonds make it more difficult for the water molecules to leave the surface. One can say that it gets more difficult for the water to evaporate, since the glycerin is pulling the water back into the soap film. For these reasons soap bubbles will generally have a longer life span if they contain glycerin.